Pre-Commit Hook

The pre-commit prevents known bad commits from entering the deployment pipeline. Use it as tool to improve percent-complete-percent-accurate in your deployment pipeline.

Hello everybody! The work I've been doing recently has required me to jump around to a lot of different repositories and also create even new repositories and that made me realize the importance of a good Pre-Commit hook. Work with some repositories that had automated testing built-in there, code styling, lenting, checking, all kinds of different setting analysis, that made my work much easier, especially as a first-time contributor to some of this repositories. But also considering what it would be like to people that came after me to work on repositories that I just created. So I think that the Pre-Commit hook is a very important part of the continuous delivery workflow. Maybe is something that everyone has not been introduced to but I think that if you add the Pre-Commit hook to your workflow IT will change the way you work, so here's an episode of the Pre-Commit hook.

The Pre-Commit hook is a powerful tool for increasing quality in the continuous delivery pipeline. The commit is the first step in the pipeline, so any work done at this stage has downstream ramifications. The hook provides developers with immediate feedback by blocking bad commits. So what constitutes a bad commit?

Consider the question from a lean manufacturing perspective. One of the fundamental ideas in lean is assuring quality at the source. Now imagine an automobile assembly line.

One step produces lug nuts. The next step uses the lug nut to mount the wheels on the car. If the lug nuts are the wrong size, then the wheels cannot be mounted. The assembly line stops as a result. This is an outage. The assembly line may only resume after the lug nuts are produced correctly and handed off to the next step.

There’s a metric for this scenario: It’s “percent complete; percent accurate”, also known as percent-C-A. This metric measures quality in the value stream. The lug nut in the example was complete but not accurate because it was not useable as-is, or another words we require a reward. Checking quality at the source prevents these regressions which could even turn into full-blown outages.

So what does percent-complete-percent-accurate mean for commits? It means TO proposed changes are usable by downstream consumers. There are two downstream consumers of commits: the deployment pipeline and other engineers.

Commits that knowingly fail in the deployment pipeline should be rejected. Allowing these commitS to proceed through the pipeline only creates waste. We’ve all been there waiting behind the build that takes too long then fails on some dumb mistake like a typo of a malformed build configuration file. That build should have never have started. Running static analysis in the Pre-Commit hook easily prevents these regressions.

Commits are also code reviewed. This requires that other people read and understand the code. Inconsistent style is jarring to code reviewers. It increases the time and effort to complete code reviews. It also creates rework for the original authors. You know, just a few minutes here and there, fixing this and that, then waiting for builds, and eventually getting to an approval. Again, this is just a waste. These regressions are easily prevented by adding linting and formatting in the Pre-Commit hook. Then it’s not possible to push commits containing known rework conditions.

This is just static analysis and automated error correction. The key is automation. If this process is not automated then it’s just not happening.

After static analysis then run some tests. I say some because it’s likely impractical to run the entire suite in the Pre-Commit hook. Instead run the fastest tests or the most frequently failed tests, or just the tests associated with the files staged in the commit. The objective is to quickly fail known bad commits. In other words, fail fast.

These practices will increase the quality of individual commits and provide developers fast feedback on correctness. Here’s an outline for a Pre-Commit hook you can add to your projects:

1. Run static analysis on all files staged for a commit. Use tools like eslint, shellcheck, rubocop, yaml-lint, jsonlint, etc. Also, use the "autocorrect" option to automatically make stylistic changes.
2. Run static analysis on all configuration files staged for the commit. I’m referring to files like circleci.yml or travis.yml. These files are read by the pipeline itself, so errors here would definitely break the pipeline. Validating them with the provided CLI prevents obvious regressions.
3. Auto-format code using tools like prettier or code format.
4. Run those fast tests! Any file staged in the commit should be caught by some linter or static analysis tool. If not, then the pre-commit hook should fail. This requires developers to either update the linting configuration to handle the new file or explicitly ignore it. This ensures that files introduced to the codebase are covered by the Pre-Commit hook.

When downstream failures occur in the deployment pipeline, consider preventing them by improving the Pre-Commit hook. Over time the percent-complete-percent accurate will increase. Feels good right?

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Pre-Commit Hook
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